This project began as the result of an energy investor frustrated with obvious psyops becoming the current zeitgeist of energy market understanding.

As such, this is a project aimed at energy investments with a macro focus.

This is cultivated based on our experience in government, finance, the hard sciences and energy. Our non-online business is based on accurate understanding of reality where government and executives recruit us to work on problems where being wrong can be life or death.

You will see a planned progression and various types of posts from here.

  1. We will be putting out initial posts based on macro energy investing, with numerous debunking common psyops and misconceptions. These will often be aimed at triggering religious sects that spread misinformation within the energy community for the sole purpose of exposure.

  2. We will post deep dives on specific companies on our (upcoming) Seeking Alpha page. This is mostly about gathering subscribers and the best content will remain here.

  3. Over time, we will incorporate a paid subscription. Early subscribers will be exempt and some posts will remain outside the paywall.

  4. Before going paid, post frequency will not be regular, however once going paid, 6-8 articles a month can be expected.

  5. Don’t expect all finance/macro/energy news all the time. While deep dives on a particular subject can get you far (and its how we ‘retired’ from our previous 9-5 grind), but certain things can round you out, such as health, fitness, travel, and multiple passports. Maybe even crypto. Who knows. Those are all fair game given our experience.

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WTF is your mascot?

It is a capybara, in a hat, with a monocle and a martini

Why does he have nipples?

All animals have nipples. It would be weird if he did not have them.


This publication and its authors are not licensed investment professionals. Nothing produced under the Chadvesting brand should be construed as investment advice. Do your own research. (DYOR)

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Investing, health, global events, money, winning


Investing, health, energy and winning